Movie Fact of the Day...... The late Paul Newman was originally cast in the role of Captain Quint in Jaws (1975).

Friday, August 5, 2011

Captain America (2011)

Director: Joe Johnston

Cast: Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell, Tommy Lee Jones, Sebastian Stan, Stanley Tucci

Date: July 2011

Plot: Small, skinny but very eager Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is a WWII U.S. Army soldier who volunteers to be a part of an experimental military program that infuses him with super-human powers turning him into Captain America. It is up to the First Avenger to use his new found strength to battle the villainous leader of Hydra, The Red Skull (Hugo Weaving).

Trailer - Captain America: The First Avenger

Review: I must confess, when I saw the first teaser for this installment of Marvels pre-Avengers origin story I was very excited despite not reading any of the comics, old or new.

As I took my seat in the cinema, my anticipation and set to the max, hairs on the back of my neck standing upright I was ready to entertained and I was! From start to finish I don't think I looked away from the big screen, definitely at no time did I look at my watch and to see how long was left or how much more I had to sit through.

Personally I really enjoyed the movie for what it was, a blended War/Superhero/Sci-Fi/Comic Book movie. Did it have its negatives, sure, but nothing to stop me from going to see it again if I wanted. There is alot of talk about the film being a US Army recruitment campaign in disguise as an action movie and that it is very emm... America, Fuck Yeah!!!-ish. Honestly though, what do you expect, Captain America was always that type of hero and it is a rare War movie that doesn't show its own country in a good "recruitment" light, so please stop the trivial arguing and enjoy it because that is what I did!

First thing to note is the special FX for pre-Captain America Steve Rogers and the Red Skull... awesome, seamless, pixel perfect and did I say Awesome! I thought Chris Evan was a great choice for the all American American, he plays the part very well. He can play the action hero, has the comic timing to be funny and the charisma to hold an audiences attention for 2 hours. It will be very interesting to see if he can make his character stand out in The Avengers with Robert Downey Jr, Samual L Jackson, Jeremey Renner and Chris Hemsworth.

No surprises from the supporting cast either with Tommy Lee Jones and Hugo Weaving, both great actors who have a terrible habit of stealing every scene they're in, no matter who else is there! Hugo Weaving especially is fantastic as the villain in this story. Even though he has his head in full "Red Skull" make-up for about 60% of the movie you can still feel the characters hate, anger and evilness, which to me is the sign of a very good actor!

To finish, yes, I would recommend this to comic fanboys and casual movie goers alike if not for an entertaining evening at the cinema then to at least start the excitement for the upcoming Avengers movie next year!

Avengers Assemble!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Guess Who's Back!!!!

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, after a long (very long) leave of absence we are finally making our way back to you, with the intent of bringing you a lot more News, Reviews and Tweets and Views! Please excuse the rhyme!

We have updated the look of the Blog, as you can hopefully tell, and added a few new bits 'n bobs to spruce up the place and make it a lot easier to access and navigate around. let me know in the comments below what you think!

With a healthy, fresh new outlook on film and a backlog of watched/soon to be reviewed movies ready to go, we are hoping to put out more regular content to give you a heads up on what's in-store for you the next time you go to the Cinema or to your local Rental Store.

Along with these and another few changes we are going to make this Blog be all that it can be!


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